Volume 2024

Number Date Author Title
681E 28.07.2024

Dilara Karmen Yaman

What Are Human Rights Worth to Bayer? An Analysis of the Pending OECD Mechanism and Its Influences on National Supply Chain Acts
680E 25.07.2024

Laura Hofmann

The Great Barrier Reef and the List of World Heritage in Danger
679E 19.07.2024

Jona Höni, Yari-Lasse Jäger

Home Alone? On the Legality of Diplomatic Visits to Suspected International Criminals
678E 10.07.2024

Carla Borck, Patrick Beer

Tribunals, Treaties, and Turning Back Time: How to Deal with the Contention of a 125-Year-Old Arbitral Award
677E 10.06.2024

Maximilian Bertamini

Statehood in Motion?
Thinking Aloud on the Legal Relevance of Recognizing Palestine
676E 07.06.2024

Julia Heuwing

Hello, Can You Hear Me?
On Germany’s Failure to Actively Listen to Its Children
675E 24.05.2024

Jack Provan, Nadine Grünhagen

UK-Rwanda Deal Pushed Through Parliament
674E 07.05.2024

Aaron Dumont

To Cide or Not to Cide – Ecocide, What Have You Started? On New Crimes and Old Problems in International Law
673D 06.05.2024

Joel Bella

Klimaklagen. EGMR stimmt Völkerrechtsblog zu.
672E 14.03.2024

Celine Giese

The Indictment against Assange and Its Implications for the International Freedom of the Press.
671E 07.03.2024

Selin Altay

Public Health as a Strategic Instrument. Refugee Sex Workers in Turkey as an Illustration of International Law's Neglect
670E 06.03.2024

Sai Harshini Valluri

Indian Women v. Indian Armed Forces. AFSPA Tipping the Scales of Justice
669E 04.03.2024

Hannah Nieratzky

A Much-Needed Queer Look at International Humanitarian Law. An Obligation to Monitor the Situation of Prisoners of War with Diverse SOGI?
668E 23.02.2024
Vivien Wefringhaus
How Do You Like Your Coffee? Green! The International Legal Response to Coffee Fueled Deforestation
667E 22.02.2024

Selin Altay

Echoes of Nakba. The (In)Effectiveness of the Internally Displaced Person Status
666E 06.02.2024

Dilara Karmen Yaman, Sabrina Seikh

Every Day Counts. On Human Rights and the Maternity Protection of Persons Suffering Miscarriages
665E 05.02.2024

Jona Höni

Germany and the Yazidis – Going back on a Promise? Why International Law Obligates Germany to Stop Deportations of Yazidis to Iraq
664E 01.02.2024

Ilja Djatschkow

Another Reason to Maintain Friendly Relations. On Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and the Practice of Extraditing Wanted Individuals

E = English, D = German