As soon as they became available, COVID-19 vaccines brought contemporary human rights issues back to the front light: from the human rights implications of compulsory vaccinations to the manifold limitations imposed on the freedom of expression and on free movement, COVID-19 vaccines have tested the foundations of human rights.

The Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict is delighted to welcome three distinguished speakers, who will provide inputs for a discussion on 'Compulsory Vaccinations and Human Rights' (Sissy Katsoni), 'Vaccine Misinformation and Human Rights Law' (Marko Milanovic), and 'Vaccination for Vacation: The Pros and Cons of EU COVID Certificates' (Iris Goldner Lang).

This will be part II of the IFHV/ESIL webinar series on COVID-19 Vaccinations and International Law.

You can watch the recording of this event [here].