Poster Future Talks Querformat

IFHV Research Associates Maximillian Bertamini and Lisa Cohen are organising a series of events titled the "Future Talks" to bring together young researchers from the region to discuss their research on issues that could significantly affect society in the future. The talks will be broken down into 4 sessions on different relevant topics:

May 11th: New Space Age, Old Rules: How (il)legal are Mining, Tourism, and War in Space? With Maximilian Bertamini of the IFHV and Arne Sönnichsen of the Universität Duisburg-Essen.

June 1st: Water Quality in Bochum: Stressed to the Last Meters? With Jan Kath of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Valerie Knapp of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

June 15th: Resource Worlds in Flux: Uncharted Territories and Untapped Potential. With Julia Tiganj of the Technischen Hochschule Georg Agricola and Stephan Bökelmann of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


The talks will be held at the Deutschen Bergbau-Museums in Bochum. For more information on the events, visit:

The talks were also discussed in a recent article in the WAZ, here: