null Laura Hofmann

Laura Hofmann

PhD Student


    Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) Bochumer Fenster, 6th/7th floor Massenbergstr. 11 44787 Bochum Germany



    Research Interests

    Legal Methodology, Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Cultural Heritage Law

    Research Focus

    PhD project: The Protection of Cultural Heritage in international Human Rights Law (supervised by Prof. Dr. Pierre Thielbörger)


    Since 11/2015

    PhD Candidate in the German-Arab joint programme at Ruhr-University Bochum, Lebanese American University, and the University of Jordan


    Master of International Laws (LL.M.), Maastricht University (The Netherlands) - Second year of LL.M. studies spent at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom)


    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Maastricht (The Netherlands) - Exchange semester completed at the University of New South Wales (Australia)


    A levels ('Abitur'), Otto-Kühne-Schule Godesberg (Germany)

    Most recent Publications


    Book review: 'Lee McConnell / Rhona Smith (eds.), Research Methods in Human Rights, Routledge, Abingdon (Oxon) / New York 2018', in: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (HuV) Vol. 1, Issue 3-4, 2018 291-292. 


    Book review: 'Katharine Fortin, The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018', in: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (HuV) Vol. 1, Issue 3-4, 2018, 289-290.


    Journal Article: 'Recent Developments in the Protection of Cultural Heritage: Al Mahdi before the ICC', in: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (JILPAC) Vol. 30, Issue 3-4, 107-113.


    Book review: 'Matthias Ruffert / Christan Walter, Institutionalised International Law, Nomos / C.H. Beck / Hart Publishing, Baden-Baden/Oxford 2015', in Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (JILPAC) Vol. 30, Issue 3-4, 115.


    Journal Article (with R. McDermott / C. Lülf / P. Gibbons): International Law Applicable to Urban Conflict and Disaster', in: Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (DPM) Vol. 26, Issue 4, 553-564.


    Bofax: 'Al Mahdi before the International Criminal Court (ICC): Reparations Order.', No. 497E, 26 August 2017.


    Journal Article: 'Strengthening the Principle of Distinction? A Critical Appraisal of the ICRC’s Continuous Combat Function' in: Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies (JIHLS) Vol. 6, Issue 2, 377-413.


    Bofax: 'The Prosecutor v Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi: The First Case to Be Brought Before the ICC Concerning Alleged War Crimes Regarding the Destruction of Historical and Religious Monuments', No. 477E, 29 September 2015.


    Book review: ‘Pierre Thielbörger, The Right(s) to Water: The Multi-Level Governance of a Unique Human Right, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2014’, in: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (JILPAC) Vol. 27, Issue 1, 53.


    Book review: ‘Stefan Galke, Die völkerrechtliche Beurteilung des Abschusses eines von Terroristen entführten Zivilluftfahrzeuges – Vor dem Hintergrund der Rolle und des Rechts der Vereinten Nationen, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2012’, in: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (JILPAC) Vol. 25, Issue 4, 220–221.


    Bofax: ‘Zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des IStGH und zum Amtsantritt von Fatou Bensouda als neue Chefanklägerin’ [On the 10 Year Anniversary of the ICC and on the Inauguration of Fatou Bensouda as the Chief Prosecutor], No. 208D, 2 July 2012.

    Summer Schools


    One-week summer school on 'Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law', Leiden University and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, The Hague.


    Two-week research stay at the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut, Lebanon, including participation in a PhD workshop.

    Grants and Awards


    Research School Plus, Conference Organisation Grant (with Behmer / Lülf / Ramsayhe).


    Research School Plus, International Realisation Budget for the PhD project.

    Language Skills

    German (mother tongue)

    English (fluent)

    French (beginner)

    Spanish (beginner)